1. Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
2. Health and Hygiene policy
3. First Aid, Sickness & Soiling Policy
4. Fire Procedure Policy
5. Children with Learning Difficulties, Disabilities, or Special Needs Policy
6. Tolerance and ANTI-Extremism Prevention policy
7. Personal and professional conduct of staff Policy
8. Whistle blowing Policy
9.Complaints Policy and Procedures
10.Procedure for dealing with and recording complaints
11.Grievance Procedure
12.Disciplinary Procedure
13.Gross Misconduct Policy
14.Confidentiality and Data Protection Policy
15.Child drop off & collection Policy
16.Child Not Collected from School Policy
17.Walking Home Alone Policy
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
The Madrassah Teachers are responsible for the health and safety of pupils while at the Madrasah. In order to ensure the safety of our pupils, all members of staff will be required to undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check before being allowed to work with or around children as per legislation. Applicants who are unsuccessful or in the event of changing circumstances, staff members will not be allowed to continue to work at the Madrasah.
The Madrasah has a zero-tolerance policy against any form of physical or emotional abuse against children. Allegations of abuse by colleagues, parents or children will be fully investigated by the Head teacher and EJM Management trustees. If they are proved true then further action leading to dismissal could be taken if necessary. Similarly, false allegations against members of staff will also be dealt with firmly by the EJM Management Trustees. Staff members should be alert to signs of abuse, and if there is cause for concern then it should be reported to the Head Teacher immediately.
Safeguarding and Child Protection will be in accordance with the EJM Madrasah Child Protection Statement and Child Protection Policy.
The EJM Madrasah shall hold regular Safeguarding and Child Protection refresher courses as deemed appropriate.In addition, the following safety policy will be implemented at the Madrasah:
- Pupils must be supervised at all times during the Madrasah hours. Should the need arise for staff members to step out of the Masjid momentarily then another staff member must be present.
- Pupils are not to be sent outside the class area unless it is necessary e.g. toilet breaks.
- Pupils are not to be sent home during Madrasah hours on their own for any reason. Pupils that need to be isolated (i.e. sickness or disciplinary reasons) are to be referred to the Head teacher where parents will be contacted and asked to collect their children.
- Pupils that are involved in accidents or injury during Madrasah are to be referred to the Head teacher immediately. See First Aid policy
Staff members should avoid all forms of physical contact with pupils unless it is necessary i.e. administering First Aid. Pupils may be physically restrained using minimal contact if they present a risk to themselves, staff members, or other pupils.
All teaching and support staff members are required to undergo Safeguarding and Child Protection training at regular intervals. Staff members who wish to raise/discuss any safeguarding/child protection issues can raise the issue with Head Teacher or EJM Chairman.
Staff members must record all conversations with the pupil. This should be handed over to safeguarding lead. The Madrasah safeguarding lead should be informed and should work towards resolving the issue. Refer to the EJM Madrasah Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.All staff members are reminded to refrain from any activities that would harm or jeopardise the Madrasah.
Health and Hygiene policy
The Madrasah recognises that some children may have special dietary or medical needs as well as personal circumstances which have been highlighted by parents. In such cases staff should be alert to signs of ill health and refer pupils to the Head Teacher immediately.
Personal hygiene is also very important. In order to promote good health and hygiene in our Madrasah, staff members are to direct the following rules towards parents and pupils. Staff members should also make sure that they themselves do not attend Madrasah if there is a risk of spreading infectious illnesses to the pupils:
- Pupils should come looking clean and tidy, socks etc, should be changed on a regular basis. Pupils must be made to visit the lavatory prior to coming to the Madrasah. Toilet and Wudhu facilities are available for emergency use only.
- Children with illnesses or infections such as a rash, discharge from the eyes or nose, or diarrhoea are to be sent to the head teacher so that parents can be contacted and asked to collect them. The children should be kept at home until they recover so that other pupils are not affected.
- Pupils that become ill during Madrasah are to be sent to the head teacher. The Madrasah will contact the parents and ask them to collect their children, or take whatever steps that are considered appropriate which may include emergency assistance.
- All staff members are reminded to check for medical conditions / allergies before distributing food or sweets to the children.
First Aid, Sickness & Soiling Policy
Staff members should respond immediately to any accidents or injuries that may occur during Madrasah time. A first aid kit is available within the masjid should any pupil need any minor first aid treatment as a result of injuries sustained either during or prior to Madrasah e.g. minor cuts etc. Pupils that show serious signs of illness or who have sustained serious injury are to be sent to the head teacher immediately, or the designated person in the Masjid / First Aider is to be called as required. An Accident / Incident report will be completed if required. Parents shall be informed of any injuries sustained while at the Madrasah.
The following First Aid, Sickness, and Soiling policy will apply at the Madrasah:
- Pupils with minor injuries shall be referred to the Head Teacher for first aid treatment by the First Aider.
- For more serious injuries or illnesses pupils shall be sent to the for treatment, or the designated person / First Aider shall offer first Aid and The Head teacher will contact the parents and ask them to collect their children, or take action that is considered appropriate which may include emergency assistance.
- All injuries sustained during Madrasah shall be reported to the Head teacher. An Incident / Accident report shall be completed by the staff member if required.
- Parents will be informed of any injuries sustained during Madrasah.
- Pupils that are sick or soil the carpets during Madrasah shall be isolated from other children, i.e. surrounding pupils shall be instructed to move so as to not cause discomfort.
- The Head teacher shall be informed of any soiling incidents so that parents can be informed and maybe asked to come and clean the area. In the event of a sickness or soiling incident, parents shall be instructed to bring cleaning materials and asked to clean the area and take the child home.
Fire Procedure Policy
Easton Jamia Masjid Madrasah takes the safety of pupils very seriously. Our aim is to provide a safe environment for all our students while they are at the Madrasah. A fire policy and procedure is in effect to ensure that all staff and pupils are familiar with the layout of the building and course of action in case of an emergency.
Note: Staff members should only attempt to extinguish small fires using the correct equipment if they are familiar with them and are trained to do so. All Emergency Exits will be used in case of an emergency.
The following procedure is to be followed in case of a fire emergency
- Staff members are to immediately instruct all the pupils to leave all their belongings and stand in line outside the within the Masjid.
- When completed staff members must collect the class register and calmly lead the children out of the Masjid and outside the building via the fire exits.
- Each staff member is to lead their class towards their assembly point as shown by signs by the doors on each floor of the building and check that each pupil is present and safe at the assembly point and await further instructions.
- If any pupil is not at the assembly point then the Fire officer is to be informed immediately.
- Staff members and pupils are not to return to the building until it is safe and are instructed to do so.
- The Madrasah will be carrying out regular fire drills to ensure that all staff and pupils are aware of the procedures to follow in case of an emergency.
Children with Learning Difficulties, Disabilities, or Special Needs Policy
The Madrasah recognises that there are pupils who have learning difficulties, disabilities or special needs. The Madrasah has a strict anti-discrimination policy with regards to pupils with special needs and will make every effort to provide Islamic education to all pupils regardless of ethnic background, race, or ability. Children with special needs may not only be those with physical disabilities,
but those who find learning, memorising and understanding Islamic concepts and rules difficult to understand. These pupils generally find it difficult to keep up with the progress of the class despite showing the commitment and effort to learn at Madrasah and at home. This is not to be confused with pupils who fall behind due to lack of effort or laziness on their part.
The following guidelines and approach shall be implemented for pupils who are identified as having learning difficulties or special needs:
- Pupils with learning difficulties or special needs can be referred to the Head teacher for further information and advice or additional help as to how to help them progress in their learning.
- Allow pupils with learning difficulties to continue to progress in their learning at their own pace and ability. DO NOT ‘force’ them to progress with the remainder of the class or apply additional pressure such that they become disheartened with Madrasah.
- DO NOT apply disciplinary measures such as Detention or Report Cards to pupils with learning difficulties who show effort and commitment to learn due to lack of progress in their learning. Disciplinary actions can be applied for behavioural reasons.
- DO NOT discriminate against pupils with learning difficulties by allocating less time and resources to help them with their learning. Apply a reasonable amount of time (including spare time) to help them progress.
- Incorporate pupils with learning difficulties as much as possible in class activities and general learning topics so that they feel part of the class, and allow them the opportunity to continue to develop in other subjects as much as possible.
Tolerance and ANTI-Extremism Prevention policy
The Madrasah has a zero-tolerance policy against any form of prejudice, Intolerance, or incitement to hatred directed at any race, culture, religion, or groups of people. All staff members must adhere to Islamic principles whilst at Madrasah and educate pupils of the sublime character and etiquettes of the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم and conduct according to the Qur’an and Sunnah. Disciplinary action will be taken against any member of staff who is in violation of this policy. All staff members will be required to attend the Safeguarding Students against Radicalisation training at the Madrasah. Listed below is guidance provided for staff to alert themselves to any issues that may arise within the classroom.
Example behaviours of intolerance or radicalisation that may become a cause of concern are as follows:
- A student asking their Madrasah teacher about the use of explosive devices.
- Possession of material or symbols associated with an extremist cause (e.g. the swastika for far-right groups or ISIS flags)
- Change in student behaviour that is of concern
- Loss of interest in other friends and activities
- Using insulting or derogatory names or labels for another group
- Condoning or supporting violence or harm towards others
Personal and professional conduct of staff members
Staff members are expected to demonstrate consistently high standards of personal and professional conduct. The following statements define the behaviour and attitudes which set the required standard for conduct of Madrasah staff.
Teachers must uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour, within and outside Madrasah by the following standards:
- Teachers must have proper and professional regard for the Islamic ethos, policies and practices of the Madrasah, and maintain high standards in their own attendance and punctuality.
- Treat pupils with due care and consideration. Do not use language that is inappropriate within an Islamic setting, i.e. labelling pupils, or using rude and insulting language or names to call them
- Treat pupils with dignity, building relationships rooted in mutual respect, and at all times observing proper boundaries appropriate to a teacher’s professional position
- Refrain from any acts that may cause teachers and pupils harm, including psychological harm to pupils
- Deal with pupils and problems appropriately. Avoid confrontation and use the allowable disciplinary measures sparingly. Never use any form of physical chastisement against pupils (See Disciplinary Policy and Procedure).
- Use your time productively for the benefit of your pupils. The use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited whilst in the classroom. This includes all forms of messaging, social media and the use of phone accessories such as headphones. The use of phones to make and receive Emergency calls only.
- Maintain high standards of personal behaviour at all times and to do nothing to bring themselves the Madrasah or the profession into disrepute
- Ensure that personal beliefs that are not in accordance with Madrasah policy are not expressed
- Have regard for the need to safeguard pupils’ well-being, in accordance with statutory provisions showing tolerance of and respect for the rights of others
- Teachers must have an understanding of, and always act within, the statutory frameworks which set out their professional duties and responsibilities.
- Do not undermine fundamental British values, including the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
- Take personal responsibility for the Madrasah and maintenance of good relations with other Madrasah’s
- Take no improper action which might malign the reputation of other professionals
- Respect the wishes and aspirations of parents, guardians and carers of pupils
- Maintain the strict confidentiality of personal information
- Ensure, as far as is possible that individual pupils and students, and groups of pupils and students, achieve their full educational potential
- Exercise professional judgement in the resolution of educational issues, for e.g. helping pupils with special educational needs
- Do not take advantage of a position of authority with a pupil or student for personal, political or other purposes
- Staff must adhere to teaching of the agreed syllabus, and must complete the syllabus within the Madrasah academic year
- Further the development of professional skills, knowledge and attitudes in yourselves and colleagues.
It is the responsibility of all staff members to constantly remind each other of the rights the pupils have over their teachers and vice versa. Teaching staff are role models for the pupils and as such must behave and conduct themselves in a manner befitting their knowledge and position in the Madrasah and community. Staff members must NEVER behave or conduct themselves in any way that contradicts the Teachings of Islam or harms the reputation of the Madrasah.
Whistle blowing Policy
Easton Jamia Masjid is committed to the highest possible standards of openness, integrity and accountability. In line with that commitment, Easton Jamia Masjid Madrasah expects workers and volunteers, parents, carers and young people, who have genuine concerns about any aspect of the work undertaken to come forward and speak about their concerns in line with this policy.
Easton Jamia Masjid Madrasah will strive to ensure that the highest standards of conduct and behaviour are maintained and will take appropriate action to prevent serious failure, irregularities, dishonesty and wrongdoing.
As an organisation Easton Jamia Masjid works to develop a culture of accountability and openness not apathy and secrecy. The introduction of this policy will help to achieve this aim. We will not tolerate any victimisation of individuals who raise concerns properly within this policy.
Easton Jamia Masjid recognises that employees, volunteers and other workers (for example agency staff or consultants) are often the first to realise that there may be something seriously wrong. However, they may not express their concerns because they feel that speaking out would be disloyal to their colleagues or to Easton Jamia Masjid. They may also fear harassment or victimisation. In these circumstances it is often easier to ignore the concern rather than take action to challenge the situation.
Where employees fail to report their suspicions, they are effectively abdicating their responsibilities and colluding in the wrong-doings. Such a situation would be treated seriously by Easton Jamia Masjid and may, depending on the facts of the case, lead to disciplinary action being taken. However, in introducing this policy Easton Jamia Masjid hopes to avoid such situations and to encourage employees to raise their concerns. We all have a vital role to play in implementing and supporting this policy and Easton Jamia Masjid Madrasah expects that everyone will co-operate with this policy.
This policy aims to:
- Encourage a person to feel confident in raising genuine concerns and to question and act upon these.
- Provide avenues for them to raise those concerns within the organisation and receive feedback on any action taken.
- Reassure them that they will be protected from possible reprisals or victimisation if they have made any disclosure in accordance with this policy. Finally, it is hoped the introduction of this policy will increase the likelihood that Easton Jamia Masjid will hear of any wrongdoing in time to prevent any serious incidents, accidents or damage.
Complaints Policy and Procedures
This policy sets out the procedures Easton Jamia Masjid will follow when we receive a complaint from users of the service, an organisation or member of the public. It does not address complaints made by staff or volunteers (dealt with through grievance and disciplinary procedures) nor does it address complaints made against any member of staff of inappropriate conduct/behaviour.
Any complaints of this nature will need to be taken seriously and dealt with under either Easton Jamia Masjid Child Protection procedures or Whistle Blowing procedures (depending on the nature of the complaint).
This complaints procedure sets out how to take up matters if you think the service you have received from Easton Jamia Masjid Madrasah is unsatisfactory.
The aim is to resolve any disputes between Easton Jamia Masjid Madrasah and any complainant. It requires staff and management committee trustee members at every stage to resolve the complaint.
Complaints are likely to be in one or more of the following areas:
- Dissatisfaction with our service, such as inadequate work, problems arising during activities, unacceptable delay or failure to deliver a service.
- Disputes between user and the organisation regarding policy, procedures or activities.
- Discourtesy or unhelpfulness on the part of staff
Procedure with dealing with and recording complaints
When someone wishes to register a complaint, the procedure outlined below should be adopted. Where the complaint is against the Head teacher, the same procedure will be followed, but with the Chair of the Management Trustee Committee substituting for the Head Teacher’s role at all stages.
Preliminary stage
The complaint should be received either via completion of a complaints form or by a request to make a verbal complaint.
Procedure for dealing with and recording complaints
Stage 1 - Record the complaint
There should be a Complaint Form to record concerns. The person receiving the complaint (the complaint receiver) should fill this in on the day of the complaint.
Stage 2 - Deal with the complaint
The complaint receiver should try to resolve the complaint (within three weeks of the complaint being made), and fill in the complaint form section to say what they have done. If the receiver cannot resolve the complaint it should be passed to an immediate management trustee (within one working day). The person making the complaint should be informed of who is dealing with their concerns and the timescale within which they can expect feedback.
Stage 3 - Take corrective action
If the problem has come about as a result of an individual’s actions they should review their own processes and actions to avoid similar problems in future. (Within 1 week of dealing with the complaint)
If the problem has come about due to general ways of working, or another person’s actions, the receiver of the complaint should talk to the most appropriate staff member or management trustee who they feel could resolve the situation. (Within 1 week of dealing with the complaint.)
Stage 4 - Reporting complaints
When you have dealt with the complaint, you should pass a copy of the completed complaint form and all the correspondence, emails etc. to the person named in your procedure (within 1 week of dealing with the complaint).
Grievance Procedure
The Grievance procedure enables individual employees to raise grievances with management about their employment either by themselves or with a representative.
Easton Jamia Masjid is not required by law to have a grievance procedure but must, in the written statement of terms and conditions of employment, give the name or job title of the person to whom the employee can refer to if he or she has a grievance.
The procedure provides an open and fair way for employees to make known their problems and enables grievances to be resolved quickly before they fester and become major problems. This procedure aims to be simple, rapid in operation and confirmed in writing.
The grievance procedure is every bit as important as that dealing with discipline. For it to be used effectively, managers and Chair of management trustees need to know how to deal with complaints sympathetically and promptly.
The Procedure
1. Introduction
It is Easton Jamia Masjid ’s policy to ensure that employees with a grievance relating to their employment can use a procedure which can help to resolve grievances as quickly and as fairly as possible.
2. Informal Discussions
If you have a grievance about your employment you should discuss it informally with your immediate Chair of management trustees first. We hope that the majority of concerns will be resolved at this stage.
Stage 1
If you feel that the matter has not been resolved through informal discussions, you should put your grievance in writing to your immediate Chair of management trustees. The Chair of management trustees must give a response within 5 working days in an endeavour to resolve the matter.
Guidance notes: The first stage should allow Chair of management trustees to resolve the grievance without the involvement of any employee representative.The aim should be to resolve the grievance at the lowest relevant level.
Stage 2
If the matter is not resolved, you may raise the matter, in writing, with the manager (or the person above your role), who must give a response - in the form of a meeting - within 5 working days. You may be represented or accompanied at this meeting by a fellow worker of your choice.
Guidance notes: The stages should reflect the levels of Name of Madrassah’s management in the organisation.
Stage 3
If the matter is not resolved to your satisfaction, you should put your grievance in writing to the Chairperson of the Board of Directors. You will be entitled to have a meeting with the Chair or his/her authorised deputy to discuss the matter. The Chair or authorised deputy will give his/ her decision within 7 working days of the grievance being received.
Disciplinary Procedure
1. Purpose of the Procedure
Easton Jamia Masjid aim is to encourage improvement in individual conduct and performance. This procedure sets out the action which will be taken when Company rules are breached.
2. Principles If you are subject to disciplinary action:
The procedure is designed to establish the facts quickly and to deal consistently with disciplinary issues. No disciplinary action will be taken until the matter has been fully investigated.
At every stage you will be advised of the nature of the complaint, be given the opportunity to state your case, and be represented or accompanied by a fellow employee of your choice. You will not be dismissed for a first breach of discipline except in the case of gross misconduct, when the penalty will normally be dismissal without notice and without pay in lieu of notice. You have the right to appeal against any disciplinary action taken against you.
The procedure may be implemented at any stage if your alleged misconduct warrants such action.
Easton Jamia Masjid will always follow these procedures.
3. Informal Discussions/Counselling
Before taking formal disciplinary action, your Chair of management trustees will make every possible effort to resolve the matter by informal discussions with you and possibly using other policies and procedures such as the Improving Performance policy. Only where this fails to bring about the desired improvement should formal disciplinary procedure be implemented.
Guidance notes: Easton Jamia Masjid will make sure that employees and managers understand the difference between routine admonishments and action taken under this procedure.
Formal Verbal Warning
If, despite informal discussions, your conduct or performance does not meet acceptable standards, you will be given a formal verbal warning by your Chair of management trustees.
You will be told:
- - the reason for the warning
- - that this warning is the first stage of the disciplinary procedure
- - that you have the right of appeal
A brief note of the warning will be kept but it will lapse after 6 months, subject to satisfactory conduct and/or performance.
Guidance notes: It can be unfair to keep details of warnings on an Employee’s file indefinitely.
Unless a warning is for a very serious matter, it will be disregarded by after 6 months.
Written Warning
If there is no improvement in standards, or if a further offence occurs, a written warning will be given. This will state the reason for the warning and a note that, if there is no improvement after a specified time, a final written warning will be given. A copy of this first written warning will be kept on file but the warning will lapse after 12 months subject to satisfactory conduct and/or performance.
Final Written Warning
If conduct or performance remains unsatisfactory, or if the misconduct is sufficiently serious to warrant only one written warning will be given making it clear that any recurrence of the offence or other serious misconduct within a specified period of time will result in dismissal.
A copy of the warning will be kept on file but the warning will lapse after 12 months subject to satisfactory conduct and/or performance.
If there is no satisfactory improvement or if further serious misconduct occurs, the result will be dismissal.
Gross Misconduct Policy
If, after investigation, it is deemed that you have committed an offence of the following nature
(the list is not exhaustive), the normal consequences will be dismissal:
theft, fraud, deliberate falsification of company documents fighting, assault on another person
deliberate damage to Masjid property, sexual or racial harassment being unfit for work through
alcohol or illegal drugs use, gross negligence gross insubordination. While the alleged gross
misconduct is being investigated, you may be suspended, during which time you will be paid
the normal hourly rate.
Such suspension is not to be regarded as a form of disciplinary action and will be for as short a period as possible. Any decision to dismiss you will be taken only after a full investigation. If you are found to have committed an act of gross misconduct, you will be dismissed without notice or payment in lieu.
Easton Jamia Masjid will give employees the chance to state their case and be represented. In most cases, Easton Jamia Masjid will suspend the employee on full pay whilst an investigation is carried out.
If you wish to appeal against any disciplinary decision, you must appeal, in writing within the five working days of the decision being communicated to you be the Chairperson. Another senior manager who was not involved in the original disciplinary action will hear the appeal and decide the case as impartially as possible.
Easton Jamia Masjid will ensure that all employees are familiar with this procedure and have access to a copy. Easton Jamia Masjid will also ensure that all managers and Chair of management trustees are fully trained in its operation
Confidentiality and Data Protection Policy
- Staff should not discuss details of individual cases arising in staff meetings or through other discussions with any person without a direct professional connection to, and interest in, the welfare and education of the individual concerned.
- No member of staff should discuss personal, disciplinary or educational matters relating to an individual child in the presence of another child in the Masjid.
- Staff should not enter into detailed discussions about personal, disciplinary or educational matters relating to an individual child with other children or their parents.
- Trustees, in particular those sitting on Discipline Committees, should not divulge details about individuals (be they staff, families or individual children) to any person outside of the committee.
- Parents in Masjid working as volunteers in the office and classrooms should report cases of poor behaviour or pupil discipline to the child’s teacher, not other parents in the Masjid. This allows the teachers to deal with such matters in line with the Masjid behaviour policy and on occasions allows children to put the matter right without the direct involvement of their parents.
- At senior management/trustees meetings, matters such as pupil exclusion, personnel issues and personal details of any member of the Masjid community should be dealt confidentially. This is not for the knowledge of persons outside the senior management/ trustees meeting. Matters should be minuted separately and minutes should not be published.
- Staff performance management should be carried out privately. Targets for individuals, named lesson observation sheets and other performance documentation will kept in the office and will only be available to the chairperson of the trustees or the individual member of staff concerned.
- Matters of child protection should only be made known to staff on a need to know basis and must be treated confidentially.
- It is important that class teachers and support staff are aware of some confidential matters in order to support individuals. The staff should respect the sensitivity of such cases and not divulge information to people unconnected professionally with the individual concerned.
- When volunteers such as parents and members of the community are working in classes they should not discuss educational matters outside of the classroom.
- Volunteers should also be asked to read the policy before working in Masjid and must adhere to these guidelines.
Child drop off & collection Policy
- The opening hours for the Madrasah is as follows:
5pm to 6.30pm Monday to Friday - Parents should wait by the appropriate doors in front of the Masjid.
- Madrasah responsibility commences 15 minutes before the start times stated in the above timetable.
- The finish time for the Madrasah is as stated above
- All students except those with permission to leave unaccompanied will remain in their classroom until they are released by staff to their parent.. The Madrasah should be informed by the parent of any changes to arrangements either by phone, in person or in a note to the teacher. If there are any concerns in releasing students, the Madrasah will get in touch with the child’s parents to confirm the arrangements.
- If a child without permission to leave unaccompanied is not collected they will be taken to the office and parents will be contacted, please see the section on the next page headed Child Not Collected from Madrasah Policy.
- Students with permission to leave unaccompanied will be released from the main entrance at the end of the Madrasah. Parents must give permission by completing the form at the end of this policy. (Appendix A). Parental Responsibility
- At the point of collection the responsibility for the care of the child is passed to the parent/ designated adult. Dangerous play/inappropriate behaviour in the school grounds is not allowed and we respectfully request that parents support the school with this policy.
- Parents should provide an update emergency contact numbers.
- Parent will fill in an individual collection rota for their child at the beginning of each academic year. In the event that there is a change to these arrangements, parents will inform the Madrasah in writing. (Appendix B)
- We will only hand over students to named adults on the collection form.(Appendix C)
Child Not Collected from School Policy
In the event that a child is not collected by an authorised adult at the end of a session, we will ensure that the child receives a high standard of care in order to cause as little distress as possible. We inform parents of our procedures so that, if they are unavoidably delayed, they will be reassured that their children will be properly cared for.
If a child is not collected at the end of the session, we use the following procedures:
The Madrasah Head teacher is consulted for any information about changes to the normal collection routines.
- If no information is available, parents are contacted at home or at work.
- If this is unsuccessful, the adults who are authorised by the parents to collect their child from school and whose telephone numbers are recorded on the school database are contacted.
- The child will stay at school in the care of a member of staff until the child is safely collected.
- At no time will a member of staff take a child home without permission from the Headteacher or at no stage will they leave a child alone in the building.
- If no one can be contacted to collect the child 30 minutes after the Madrasah finish time or staff are no longer available to care for the child, we contact the Duty Children’s Safeguarding Team.
- A full written report of the incident is recorded.
Walking Home Alone Policy
This policy is devised for the general health and safety of children.
Parents who wish their child to walk home unescorted by an adult at the end of the Madrasah must adhere to the following guidelines:
- Parents must have registered with the Madrasah that they are prepared for their children to walk directly home from Madrasah at the end of the day.
- Children should be 12 years or older.
- It is the parents’ responsibility to check the route that their children may walk home in order that they may make an assessment of the appropriateness of the journey. Crossing of fast roads, walking through secluded areas is to be discouraged. A single route must be agreed.
- Parents must be certain that children have an awareness and understanding of the green cross code and stranger danger. It is parents’ responsibility to ensure they are sufficiently happy that their child is capable of undertaking the proposed journey safely.
- During winter months and/or inclement weather, children must be dressed appropriately.
- Children should preferably walk in a group and not alone.
- Children should know their home phone number (plus one other emergency contact) and preferably have their own mobile phone. (This should be kept with head teacher during lessons).
- There should be someone at home to meet the child on their arrival.
- Any child must be capable of arriving home within 30 minutes of the end of the Madrasah class. Journeys over 30 minutes are not considered appropriate for children to walk at this stage.
- If any child does not arrive home within a reasonable timeframe, parents must immediately notify the Madrasah in order that appropriate action can be taken.
- If any child does not arrive home within a reasonable timeframe and direct contact with the child has not been established by either Madrasah or parents, the Madrasah will instigate the missing person’s procedure in conjunction with the relevant authorities.
- If the missing person procedure is initiated there must be a point of contact remaining at both the home and Madrasah location until further advised by the relevant authorities.
- If your child does arrive home after the missing person procedure has been instigated, immediate notification to the relevant authorities/emergency services and Madrasah must be made. This is to enable the missing person procedure to be stood down.
- Once the missing person procedure is initiated responsibility will pass to the relevant authority to further any enquiries. Both parents and the Madrasah will be guided by them in order that a successful outcome is achieved.
contact address
St Marks Road
Phone : +44 117 951 0317